Category: Opinion & Analysis

  • AI summerizes the classics but Gen-Z style

    AI summerizes the classics but Gen-Z style

    Hey folks, so I decided to do something fun, I asked ChatGPT to give me summaries of the classics, but in Gen-Z style. It did not disappoint, or rather it ate and left no crumbs.

  • Speaking of YA fiction, let’s discuss the Mean Girls.

    Speaking of YA fiction, let’s discuss the Mean Girls.

    Do these names—Brittany, Tiffany, Stephanie, Vennessa, Olivia, Veronica, Regina—sound familiar to you? These are the typical names for the mean girl in YA novels. This post is for them, the mean girls.

  • The Unjust Treatment of Romance Fiction—Yes, It is Misogynistic

    The Unjust Treatment of Romance Fiction—Yes, It is Misogynistic

    The majority of authors and readers of romance are women. The Romance Genre is treated unfairly, as is the case with everything that women find enjoyable, like fashion or Taylor Swift. These activities are viewed as less important than far more worthwhile hobbies like cars and sports. (note the sarcasm)Although…

  • 10 Quotes From The Perks of Being a Wallflower That Hit Deep

    10 Quotes From The Perks of Being a Wallflower That Hit Deep

    The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an all-time favorite read of teens and adults alike, it has a bunch of quotes that make you go, ‘damn! that hit deep’. Here is a list of 10 quotes that made me think and feel. 1. There’s nothing like deep breaths after…

  • Love Triangle: A Never Ending Debate

    Love Triangle: A Never Ending Debate

    If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second. Johnny Depp couldn’t have said it better. A Love Triangle typically refers to a situation in which there are three people and each…